Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I would post the cool photo of everyone on a roof with KYI graffiti that was taken in NYC but Alex has his flickr blocked from that shit.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Pretty sure a girl I dated in highschool is pregnant now.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm pretty jealous of people that don't work on weekends. Liza's sleeping and I gotta be at work in 20 minutes. She looks super peaceful and happy and I'm jealous. I didn't sleep well because I got an awful stuffed up nose and breathing through my mouth makes me cough. I'm just bummed out, I guess.

Hardest part of my day is getting out of bed and getting out the door. Sometimes I just lay in bed because I can't get myself motivated.

people that drive the speed limit in the HOV lane piss me off.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

prime directive: exterminate.

I had to wake up at 6AM and take the metro back to Silver Spring so I could go to class. I definitely got up in a "fuck everything" mood. It's 10:30 and I should be in English but I'm too tired and I just don't care anymore. If I had the option, I would quit everything and be in a band full time. Fuck the future, live for now.

On the metro ride, I really began to like Maryland. It was just me and 4 or 5 other people on the train and the entire area came off as real peaceful and nice. An hour later, I stepped off the train and fucking hated it. It was freezing, I was surrounded by people and I was late. I can't wait for someone to drop the bomb and wipe everyone off the face of the planet. I don't care if the person is black, white, asian, latino or whatever. Just wanna see some skin melt, I fucking hate you.

I like being alone a lot more than I like being around people. I usually just try to find someone to talk to all night or kinda keep to myself. My thoughts come out and they don't make sense or I come off as needy and weird. Whatever, I'd rather stay home or hangout by myself nowadays. I'm not growing up, I'm just burning out.

even with the silly synth part


Monday, December 8, 2008

feeling angry for no reason. Blogs are dumb, don't know why I started this or had a livejournal before.

Not a book.